Calculation Instructions

Version 2.0.0 (Dec 03 2002) Copyright © 2000-2002 Andrew Pipkin

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While Calculation has the usual goal of arranging the entire contents of the deck in four stacks of thirteen cards, the suits of the cards in these stacks is irrelevant. Instead, the four stacks accept cards whose ranks differ by a specified interval. Even though the computer calculates the accepted sequences of cards, the game is still extremely challenging.


There are three areas of the screen:

Game Play

To move a card, click on the card (which will highlight it) and then click on the destination. The following are valid moves:
  1. A card can be moved from the top of the deck or a waste pile to a destination stack if the card has the desired rank. Rightclicking on a card will attempt to move it to a destination stack.

  2. A card can be moved from the deck to any waste pile



Click on the button labeled options to bring up a dialog box with the following settings:
Initial # of Cards
This sets the number of cards which are initially in the destination stacks. The default is one. Increasing this number will make the game easier to win.
Click here for information about common options and buttons


Version 2.0.0 (2002/12/03)
Variable card sizes, backgrounds and card backs added. Changed rank indicator to go above stack instead of along sides.
Version 1.0 (2000/03/17)
First public release